798The Maynards and their children lead an almost perfect billionaire family life. Amon is a passionate hunter, but doesn’t shoot animals, as the family'恶女帮
741四个拥有不同生活轨迹的少女,喜爱摄影用镜头记录一切的女孩麦蒂(海蒂·布雷斯 Hedy Burress 饰),胆小内向的丽塔(珍妮·刘易斯 Jenny Lewis 饰),出身富有家庭却总是遭到父亲痛打的戈尔迪(清水珍妮 Jenny Shimizu 饰)以及女孩比奥莱特(莎拉·罗森博格 Sarah Ro双子酒廊
217A demoted detective is given the opportunity to go undercover and take down the mob's most ruthless killer, but his life and only chance at redemption